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Privacy Policy

Last Modified: September 3, 2021


We at East Fork Pottery LLC (“we,” “us,” or “our”) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this Policy. This Policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide to us, including when you visit our website at (our “Website”) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.

This Policy applies to any information we collect through our Website, including any information in any e-mails, posts, texts and other electronic messages between you and our Website, and any information about you transferred to our Website from other websites. This Policy also applies to any information we collect about you when you mail us or e-mail, text or exchange other electronic messages with us or when you interact with messages you receive from us, any information we collect about you offline but that will be processed by automated means using our Website or other services, and information collected when you contact a customer help desk or use support services. This Policy does not apply to any other information we collect by any other means.

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, you can choose not to use our Website. By accessing or using our Website, you agree to this Policy. This Policy may change from time to time. When we make changes to this Policy, we will post the updated Policy on our Website and update the Policy’s “last modified” date. We will also provide notice of any material changes as explained in the section below titled “Changes to Our Privacy Policy.” Your continued use of our Website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes; however, we will not use your Personal Information for additional purposes beyond those disclosed in this Policy without providing notice and obtaining your consent.

Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It

Personal Information We Collect

We may collect several types of information from and about users of our Website. This information may include information by which users may be personally identified or other information about a user to the extent maintained in personally identifiable form (collectively, “Personal Information”). Specifically, we (or our third party service providers acting on our behalf) may collect the following categories of Personal Information from you:

  • Identifiers, such as your name, alias, postal address, e-mail address, unique personal or online identifier, IP Address or Mobile Device ID, and account or user name (“Identifiers”)
  • Payment information such as your credit card number, debit card number, expiration dates and security codes, and other similar or related account and authentication data necessary to process payment transactions on our Website (“Payment Information”). Please note: the third party payment processor that we have engaged to securely process payment transactions on our Website collects this information directly from you and processes this information on our behalf without sharing this information with us, and we do not at any time directly store or have access to any Payment Information.
  • Commercial information, including products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies (“Commercial Information”)
  • Information related to Internet or other similar network activity, including browsing history, search history, information on your interaction with our Website or advertisements on our Website (“Internet Activity”)
  • Inferences drawn from the information described above that we use to create a profile about you reflecting your preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes (“Inference Data”)

How We Collect Information

With the exception of your Technical Information (which we collect automatically as you navigate through or interact with our Website, as described below in the section titled “Traffic, Usage and Computer/Device Information”) and your Inference Data (which is derived from the other information collected about you, as described above), we primarily collect information, including Personal Information, directly from you when you create an account on our Website, complete a purchase to use our services or products, enter into a sweepstakes, contest, giveaway or other promotion related to our services or products, correspond with us via postal mail, e-mail, text message, telephone or through our Website, request additional services from us (such as customer support services), or report a problem with our Website or our products or services.

Traffic, Usage and Computer/Device Information

Additionally, as you navigate through and interact with our Website or interact with the e-mails and other electronic messages we send to you, we or our third party service providers may automatically collect certain traffic data, usage information, and information about your computer equipment or mobile device, such as your browser and operating system, your wireless carrier, configuration data, clickstream analytics and your actions and patterns when you use our Website (“Technical Information”). The technologies we use for this automatic data collection may include cookies that are stored on the browser of your computer or mobile device, small embedded electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags and single-pixel gifs) and other types of embedded code. We collect this information to manage our content and improve users’ use of our Website; count and review the number of users of our Website and their usage patterns; to track key performance indicators such as pages accessed, frequency of access, conversions (the number of users who click on our advertisements and then go on to make a product purchase) and other statistical information related to our Website (for example, recording the popularity of certain content and verifying system and server integrity); to identify the portion of users who accesses our Website via different web browsers; to recognize if a user is a return user of our Website; to store information about a user’s visits; to remember a user’s preferences; and for similar purposes in connection with monitoring, operating, maintaining and improving our Website. Third parties may also collect Technical Information and other information on our behalf as further described in the sections below titled “Use of Google Analytics,” and “Tracking and ‘DO NOT TRACK’.”

How We Use Your Information


We may use the information we collect about you or that you provide to us, including Personal Information, to:

  • Provide our Website, services and products and their contents to you.
  • Provide you with information, products or services you request from us.
  • Process your requests, purchases, transactions, and payments, including by transmitting certain of your Personal Information (including Payment Information) to the third party payment processor that we use for securely processing payment transactions, and to prevent transactional fraud.
  • Create, maintain, customize, and secure your account with us.
  • Verify identity, to assist with identification of users, and to determine appropriate services.
  • Provide you with support and to respond to your inquiries and customer service and support requests, including to investigate and address your concerns and to monitor and improve our responses.
  • Provide you with informational and promotional content and materials regarding the Website and our products and services offered through the Website.
  • Provide you with informational and promotional content and materials regarding the products and services of affiliates or third parties with whom we have partnered that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • Provide you with informational and transactional text message alerts and e-mail communications as described in the section below titled “Text Message Alert Service”.
  • Personalize your Website experience and deliver content and product and service offerings related to your interests, including targeted offers and ads through our Website, third-party sites, and via e-mail or text message.
  • Advertise to third parties with similar interests, hobbies or demographic information as you.
  • Help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Website, databases and other technology assets and our business.
  • Perform research and development activities, which may include, for example, conducting data analyses in order to develop new products and services or to improve existing products and services, and performing quality-control activities.
  • Update and maintain customer, subscription or e-mail lists.
  • Create a profile about you reflecting your personal preferences and purchasing behavior.
  • Register you for sweepstakes, contests, giveaways or other promotions.
  • Notify you about changes to our Website, products and services.
  • With respect to Technical Information, fulfill the purposes described in the section above titled “Traffic, Usage and Computer/Device Information.”
  • Respond to lawful requests for information through court orders, subpoenas, warrants and other legal processes or obligations.
  • Enforce any contracts between you and us, including for billing and collection, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
  • Evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Information held by us is among the assets transferred.
  • Fulfill any other purpose for which you provide the information.
  • Serve any other purpose that we describe when you provide the information and for any other purpose with your consent.
  • Improve our ability to identify visitors to our website. As part of this service, we may make available identifiers to these third parties including our visitors’ IP addresses, cookies, and hashed versions of email addresses captured from your visit. We, and third parties, use this data to obtain more information about our visitors and reach out to them through other channels, such as email and/or direct mail. You have the right to opt-out of this activity. To opt-out, please follow the instructions in “Your Rights and Choices.”

Use of Personal Information for Marketing Purposes

We may use your Personal Information to provide you with marketing and promotional information about our Website, products and services. If you do not want us to use your information in this way, see the section below titled “Your Rights and Choices” for more information about how to opt out of such use.

Aggregated or De-Identified Data

We may convert or combine some Personal Information of users into de-identified or aggregated data that does not disclose any of the Personal Information of any individual user. We may use and disclose to third parties any such de-identified or aggregated data (including traffic and usage data that does not identify you personally) for any lawful purpose.

User Contributions

You may provide information to be posted, published or displayed on public areas of our Website, or transmitted to other users of our products or services or to third parties, including information, feedback and comments (collectively, “User Contributions”). Your User Contributions are posted on our Website and transmitted to others at your own risk. We cannot control the actions of other users of our Website with whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons.

Text Message Alert Service

Please refer to our Terms of Service for more information about our SMS text message alert service. Information on opting out of this service may be found above under the section titled “Your Rights and Choices” and also in our Terms of Service.

Tracking and “DO NOT TRACK”

Tracking involves the use of cookies, web beacons, or other embedded code or tracking technologies to collect, analyze and store information on a user’s behavior over time on multiple sites, including information on the sites visited, products viewed, products purchased and other online interactions. Tracking information can be used to enable companies to make interest-based (behavioral) advertising available to users on multiple sites that they visit.

We may collect Personal Information about your online activities over time and across third-party sites for tracking purposes when you use our Website. However, we do not currently allow third parties to collect Personal Information through or using our Website that could be used by them to analyze and store information about your online activities over time and across third-party sites for their own tracking purposes (separate and apart from any services they provide to us in support of our permitted uses of your Personal Information as described in this Policy).

Our Website does not respond to any “do not track” signals sent by your computer, browser or mobile device, and if your computer, browser or mobile device sends a “do not track” signal to our Website, our Website will not treat you differently from users who do not send such signals. For more information on how to disable certain tracking technologies, please visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out page at and the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Assistance page at

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track and analyze certain traffic and usage statistics regarding the use of our Website, such as the number of visitors to our Website, how visitors are navigating to our Website, visitors’ general geographic region information, how long individuals are visiting our Website, and information about the equipment individuals are using to access our Website (e.g., browser version and operating system). Google Analytics may use a Google Analytics cookie and may collect your IP Address or Mobile Device ID as part of this service (but neither we nor Google Analytics otherwise collects or processes any of your Personal Information in connection with our use of the Google Analytics services). We use this traffic and usage information to gauge, internally, the effectiveness of our advertising efforts and to make improvements to our Website and our marketing and promotional efforts.

In addition, we may use the following Google Analytics Advertising Features:

  • Remarketing
  • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
  • Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting
  • Google Ads (an integrated service with Google Analytics)

By enabling these features, we permit Google to collect certain additional traffic and usage data using a Google Advertising cookie and other identifiers not tied to your Personal Information. This information includes demographic information about our Website visitors and general information about our visitors’ interests, but does not identify our visitors individually. In fact, we are prohibited by Google policy from using this information to try to identify individual users and from merging non-personally identifiable information obtained from Google with Personal Information we otherwise have about you without obtaining your separate consent. We use the information collected through our use of the Google Analytics Advertising Features to segment our audience and to better target our advertising and marketing efforts, for example to (1) display targeted advertisements to individuals who viewed a product but did not add that product to their cart, (2) target visitors from a certain geographic region with certain ads in Google search results that have previously shown a high degree of success for consumers in that region, (3) advertise our products and services across other websites that you may visit, or (4) allow Google or other third-party vendors to show you ads on websites that you visit after using our Website or clicking on an offer or ad in one of our e-mails or in our Website.

For more information, please review the following:

  • Information about Google’s use of cookies:
  • Information about Google’s use of information from sites or apps that use Google’s services:

You can opt out of our use of certain Google Analytics features by updating the “Ads Settings” in your browser ( or mobile device (, by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out page at, or by visiting Google’s currently available opt-outs over the web at Because those opt-out and preference control pages are specific to the individual browser used to visit it, and because those pages are not operated by us, we are unable to perform the opt-outs on your behalf.

Use of Facebook Business Tools

We may use various advertising services and business tools on Facebook in connection with our Website. The services and tools we may use are summarized on Facebook’s website here:

In connection with our use of these services and tools, Facebook may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from the Website and elsewhere on the Internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads to you and others. One particular advertising service we use on Facebook is called Facebook Pixel. This service helps us (1) measure and track the results of our advertising on Facebook, and (2) better target our advertisements on Facebook to new potential users. In connection with this service we may provide your e-mail address to Facebook along with the e-mail addresses of our other users, and Facebook uses this information to find other Facebook users with similar demographics and interests as indicated in the profiles and activities on Facebook of our users generally, to help us better target our advertising efforts on Facebook to those other Facebook users.

You can opt out of certain Facebook advertising features by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out page at and the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Assistance page at or by adjusting the privacy settings in your Facebook profile. Because those opt-outs, preference control pages and privacy settings are specific to the individual browser used to visit it or the individual Facebook profile, and because those opt-outs, preference control pages and privacy settings are not operated or controlled by us, we are unable to perform the opt-outs, set your preferences or adjust the privacy settings on your behalf.

Disclosure of Your Information


We may disclose Personal Information to any contractors and other service providers who need to know such information to provide services to us that support our hosting, maintenance, operation and promotion of our Website and our permitted uses of Personal Information under this Policy. For example, we may use a third party cloud-hosting infrastructure service provider (e.g., Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure) to store certain of your Personal Information securely, we may use a provider of customer relationship management software to organize and track our communications with you, we may use certain third-party advertising service providers (such as Facebook, as described above in the section titled “Use of Facebook Business Tools”) and we use Google Analytics in connection with our Website as described above in the section titled “Use of Google Analytics.”

We may disclose Personal Information to (or permit Personal Information to be collected on our Website by) certain third parties as described in the section above “Tracking and Do Not Track.”

We may also disclose your Personal Information to our affiliates or to a buyer or other successor to our business in the event of a sale of equity or assets, reorganization, merger, divestiture or a similar corporate transaction, whether as a going concern or as part of a bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, and any due diligence review with respect to any of the foregoing transactions.

In addition, we may disclose your Personal Information to comply with any court order, law or legal process, including to meet law enforcement requirements or to respond to any government or regulatory request or audit, or to enforce or apply any contracts you or your company have entered into with us, or if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of our customers or others.

Finally, we may disclose your Personal Information for any other purpose disclosed when the information is provided and for any other purpose with your consent.

We may disclose Technical Information and all forms of Personal Information for each of the purposes described above, including Identifiers, Commercial Information, Internet Activity, and Inference Data.

No Sales of Personal Information

We do not sell, and in the past 12 months we have not sold, any Personal Information to third parties.

Your Rights and Choices


You have certain choices regarding the Personal Information you provide to us. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies. If you choose not to accept cookies, you may be unable to access certain parts or pages of our Website, or certain parts or features of our Website may not function properly. To learn more about cookies and how to disallow or manage them, go to

If you do not wish to have your Personal Information used by us to contact you for marketing purposes, you can opt out by unchecking the box stating “Keep me up to date on news and offers” when you complete a transaction with us, sending us an e-mail with your request to [email protected], or clicking on the “Unsubscribe” or similar link in the most recent e-mail you received from us and by following the prompts that appear. This opt-out does not apply to information provided as a result of a product purchase, customer service or support service inquiry or other transactional communications (e.g., an order confirmation or response to a specific inquiry or request you have made to us).

If you have enrolled in our text message alert service, you may opt out of this service (i.e., stop all text messages) at any time. With respect to any text message, you may reply STOP to end all messages, or you may opt out by letting us know by contacting us via e-mail at [email protected]. In each case, please allow us a few days to process your opt out request.

If you'd like to opt-out of receiving mail from us, please fill out this form.

Please also refer to the sections above titled “Use of Google Analytics” for more information regarding opting out of certain Google Analytics features used on our Website.

You may send us an e-mail at [email protected] to request access to any Personal Information that you have provided to us, or to correct or delete that Personal Information. Except as specifically described below in the sections titled “Canadian Users: Individual Access,” “California Residents: Requests to Know and Requests to Delete” and “European Users: Your E.U. Privacy Rights”:

  • We will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis.
  • In certain cases we cannot delete your Personal Information. For example, we cannot continue to maintain your account and/or your subscriptions without retaining certain portions of your Personal Information, so a request to delete certain forms of Personal Information may require the deletion of your account and cessation of services to you.
  • We also may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.

Canadian Users: Individual Access

If you are a user accessing and using our Website from Canada then, upon your request, and subject to certain exceptions under applicable law, we will inform you of the existence, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information and give you access to that information, and you may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have us amend it as appropriate. You may submit a request under this section by sending us an e-mail stating your request to [email protected]. Please indicate in your communication that you are making an individual access request under Canadian law.

Requests to Know and Requests to Delete

You may request that we disclose to you certain information about (and, if requested, to receive a portable copy of) the Personal Information about you that we have collected and used in the past 12 months (a “Request to Know”). You may also request that we delete the Personal Information about you that we have collected or that we maintain (a “Request to Delete”). You may submit a Request to Know or a Request to Delete by sending us an e-mail stating your request to [email protected]. Please indicate in your communication that you are making a Request to Know or a Request to Delete.

Upon receipt of your Request to Know or Request to Delete, as part of our security measures and as required by law we will take steps to verify your identity in order to confirm that the person making the request is actually the person about whom we have collected Personal Information (i.e., that the “you” making the request is actually you). We will verify your identity and confirm your request by asking you to confirm and verify certain Personal Information we already have on file for you. For example:

  • If you have purchased a product through our Website or if you have registered for an account on our Website, we may verify your request by asking you to (1) send an e-mail to [email protected] using the e-mail address we have on file for your account, and (2) in that e-mail verifying at least one other item of Personal Information we have on file for your account (we will provide our specific request at the time we provide an initial response to your Request to Know or Request to Delete).
  • If you have not purchased a product through our Website or registered for an account on our Website, please note that we likely have only limited information about you. You will be required to verify your request by confirming and verifying certain Personal Information we have on file for you, and it is possible we may have insufficient information about you to be able to reasonably verify your request in accordance with applicable law.

We will use reasonable endeavors to accommodate verifiable Requests to Know and Requests to Delete submitted in the manner described above within a reasonable timeframe after receiving such requests. In any event, we will comply with your Request to Know and Request to Delete to the extent and in the manner required by applicable law, but we may deny a request, in whole or in part, to the extent an exception applies under (or as otherwise permitted by) applicable law, including the CCPA. For example, we cannot and will not comply with a Request to Know or a Request to Delete if we cannot reasonably verify your identity in connection with your request.

You may also designate an authorized agent to make a Request to Know or Request to Delete on your behalf. To designate an authorized agent to act on your behalf, you or your authorized agent must submit proof that either (1) such agent has actually been authorized in writing to act on your behalf, or (2) you have provided the authorized agent with power of attorney under the applicable laws in your jurisdiction. You may submit such proof by e-mailing us at [email protected]. If a duly-designated authorized agent makes a Request to Know or Request to Delete on your behalf, we will still require you to verify your own identity using the process described above, unless an exception applies under applicable law in your jurisdiction (for example, you have submitted verifiable proof to us that you have provided the authorized agent with power of attorney).

California “Shine The Light” Disclosure

The California Civil Code permits California residents with whom we have an established business relationship to request that we provide a list of certain categories of Personal Information that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year. To make such a request, please send an email to [email protected] or otherwise contact us using the information set forth below. Please mention that you are making a “California Shine the Light” inquiry.

Users Outside of the United States


Our Website is hosted in the United States and is provided from the United States. It is possible that certain information will be stored on servers in multiple other countries on the “cloud” or other similar distributed hosting platforms. If you are a resident of any country other than the United States, please note that by providing your Personal Information to us, you are consenting to the transfer of your Personal Information to the United States and other jurisdictions and to our use and disclosure of your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.

European Users

If you are a user accessing and using our Website from the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom (collectively, the “E.U. Countries” and such users the “European Users”), please read this section carefully for more information about our collection, processing and transfer of your Personal Information and your rights related to such activities.

A. Legal Basis for Processing

If you are a European User, we have the legal right to collect, process, use, and retain your Personal Information (“E.U. Personal Information”) in the ways described in this Policy, based on your consent, the need to use your E.U. Personal Information to provide you with goods or services that you have requested, and our legitimate interests in furthering our existing relationship with you or preventing fraud. Accordingly, you have a contractual rather than a statutory obligation to provide such information. If you do not provide such information, you may be unable to use our Website and we may be unable to provide any products or services that you request.

B. Transfers of Your E.U. Personal Information to the United States

In connection with our collection and use of your E.U. Personal Information, we may transfer all or certain portions of your E.U. Personal Information to our servers in the United States or our third-party service providers in the United States. Please note that the governing bodies in your jurisdiction have determined that the laws of the United States do not provide adequate protection for your E.U. Personal Information. Accordingly, we are transferring your E.U. Personal Information from your country to the United States based on your explicit consent, and you acknowledge and agree that we may collect, use and disclose your E.U. Personal Information, both before and after such transfer, in accordance with this Policy.

C. Storage of Your E.U. Personal Information

We securely store your E.U. Personal Information distributed locations in the United States using our own servers or the servers of reputable, third-party service providers such as our cloud-hosted infrastructure service provider and other cloud-based software service providers. We will keep such information for no longer than necessary. We will keep such information for no longer than necessary. The length of time we retain your E.U. Personal Information will depend on any legal obligations we have (such as tax recording purposes), the nature of any contracts we have in place with you, the existence of your consent or our legitimate interests as a business.

D. Your E.U. Privacy Rights

If you are a E.U. Resident, you will have the following additional rights with respect to your E.U. Personal Information (your “E.U. Privacy Rights”):

  • If we intend to disclose your E.U. Personal Information to any third party that will have the right to process your E.U. Personal Information, we will enter into a contract with that third party that provides that your E.U. Personal Information may be processed only for limited and specified purposes consistent with the consent that you have provided to us, and that the third party must provide the same level of protection for your E.U. Personal Information that we are obligated to provide under this Policy. In addition, we will notify you if that third party will have the right to determine the purposes for which it will process your E.U. Personal Information and the means it will use to process your E.U. Personal Information (rather than just providing requested assistance to us in support of our permitted uses of your E.U. Personal Information). In certain situations, we may be required to disclose your E.U. Personal Information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
  • If we are processing your E.U. Personal Information based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. Your withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of our processing based on your consent before your withdrawal. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide our Website or our other products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.
  • You may restrict our use and processing of your E.U. Personal Information by sending us an e-mail stating your request to [email protected], if you have contested the accuracy of that information, if the processing is unlawful or if we no longer need such information for the purposes for which it was collected. We will then store your E.U. Personal Information and process it only with your consent, or to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim or to protect the rights of others. The restriction with respect to information claimed to be inaccurate would end if we verify the accuracy of that contested information.
  • We do not collect, store or process sensitive information related to your racial or ethnic identity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health (including genetic and biometric data), sex life or sexual orientation (“E.U. Sensitive Information”). We will not use or disclose any of your E.U. Sensitive Information without your explicit consent, subject to certain limited exceptions. Should we wish to make any such use or disclosure, we will notify you by e-mail and will request that you authorize such use or disclosure by responding to the e-mail with your explicit consent.
  • We may create a profile to analyze or predict your personal preferences or interests solely related to your use of our Website and for the purposes described in this Policy. We do not otherwise create profiles to analyze or predict your performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movements. We do not make any decision about you that would have legal consequences or similarly significant effects on you based solely on automated decision-making, including the use of profiles.
  • Upon our receipt of your request by e-mail at [email protected] and our verification of your identity, we will advise you whether we are processing E.U. Personal Information concerning you and, if so, will provide you with a copy of your E.U. Personal Information being processed and certain information about the nature and purposes of the processing. You may correct, amend or delete any such E.U. Personal Information that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Upon your request, we will erase any of your E.U. Personal Information that is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected or that is being used for direct marketing purposes, or if our use is based on your consent and you withdraw that consent, or if we have made such E.U. Personal Information public. We will not erase such information, however, to the extent it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim or another exception applies under applicable law in your jurisdiction.
  • If we are using your E.U. Personal Information on the basis of your consent and we change our Policy to permit any use or disclosure of your E.U. Personal Information that is materially different than the uses for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by you, we will obtain your consent before we make such further uses of your E.U. Personal Information.

You will not have to pay a fee to exercise any of your E.U. Privacy Rights. We may, however, charge a reasonable fee if a request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in those circumstances.

We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and to ensure your right to exercise your E.U. Privacy Rights. This is a security measure to ensure that your E.U. Personal Information is not disclosed to a person who does not have a right to receive it.

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within a reasonable timeframe. Occasionally, it may take us longer if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.

Third Party Websites

Our Website may include links to blogs, social media and third-party websites. These third-party sites have their own privacy policies and terms of use and are not controlled by this Policy. You should carefully review any terms, conditions and policies of such third-party sites before visiting them or supplying them with any personal information. If you follow a link on our Website to any third-party site, any information you provide to that site will be governed by its own terms of use and privacy policy and not this Policy.

We are not responsible for the privacy or security of any information you provide to a third-party website or the information practices used by any third-party site, including links to any third-party site from our Website. We make no representations, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, privacy, safety, security, or the information practices of any third-party site. The inclusion of a link to a third-party site on our Website does not constitute any type of endorsement of the linked site by us. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may sustain resulting from your use of any third-party website or any information you share with a third-party website.

Children Under the Age of 16

Our Website is not intended for children under 16 years of age, and no one under the age of 16 may provide any information to us or others on or using our Website. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 16. If you are under 16 years of age, do not use our Website or provide any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, email address, IP Address or Mobile Device ID, or any screen name or username you may use. If we learn we have collected or received Personal Information from a child under 16 years of age without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under the age of 16, please contact us at [email protected].

Data Security

We have implemented measures designed to secure your Personal Information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. All information that you provide to us is stored on our servers behind firewalls, and certain Personal Information will be encrypted using secure socket layer (SSL) technology. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. Although we have implemented security measures that we think are adequate, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information transmitted to or using our Website. Any transmission of Personal Information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on our Website.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We post any changes we make to our Policy on this page. The date this Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date, active, and deliverable e-mail address for you, and for periodically visiting our Website and this Policy to check for any changes.

Contact Information

To ask questions or to submit comments about this Policy and our privacy practices, you may contact us:

East Fork Pottery, LLC
531 Short McDowell St.
Asheville, NC 28801
[email protected]

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