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East Fork x Field Notes Dream Journals, Set of 3


Three journals for capturing fleeting epiphanies and unfiltered thoughts



Field Notes is a Chicago-based brand dedicated to U.S.-made paper manufacturing and the balance of form and function. At East Fork headquarters, Field Notes memo books are part of daily life, so a collaboration felt like a natural fit.

Inspired by our vivid seasonal glazes Big Sky, Wine Dark Sea and In the Pines, the Dream Journals (a new format for Field Notes!) aligned with our pull towards dreaming beyond our current reality, entering into another world to create and imagine, and building a dreamscape in our minds and on our tables.

A collaboration between East Fork and Field Notes, these journals are intended to capture last night’s dreams before they drift away, inspire you to put your hopes and aspirations down on paper, or simply help you build a daily journaling ritual. Also works as your standard pocket journal to create to-do lists!

Read more about the design process with East Fork’s Head of Design, Nicole Lissenden, here.

  • 3-pack of pocket-sized dream journals inspired by our seasonal colors: Big Sky, Wine Dark Sea, and In the Pines.
  • A dream of the forest, a dream of the sky, and a dream of the sea are depicted in intricate, evocative illustrations by artist and East Fork’s Head of Design, Nicole Lissenden.


  • 3.5” x 5.5"
  • 3-Pack of Journals, 48 pages each and ruled with a color-matched double-line at the top of each page.
  • Offset printed on Neenah Classic Crest
  • Cover artwork by Nicole Lissenden, East Fork’s Head of Design
  • Made in the USA
A 3 pack of Field Notes Journal are folded facing down on a desk featuring 3 illustrated back covers in a lapis blue, a plum, and an earthy green.

For Field Notes, known for their iconic and diverse notebook cover designs, this collaboration marked their first-ever dream journal! Learn more about our collaboration and an interview with our Head of Design, Nicole Lissenden.

An animated image that says "East Fork is a vessel for" a rotating number of things